Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Monday, April 18th

Braeden Mahoney & Sean King

 Events in this article may be enhanced for dramatic effect. 

            Monday. Day ten. My mind is ravaged by the absence of my fellow countrymen, replaced instead by a rare zombified breed who see the practice of craic as an activity worthy of recreation. We arose in the morning's wee hours to depart from the alien stronghold and get a head start on the long road ahead of us. While conditions remain bleak, my companions and I retain our resilience even in the face of imminent and sure destruction. After many hours of travel in our secure land vessel, we finally arrived at the rendezvous point where our rescue team has agreed to airlift us out of this disease ridden land, known locally as "The Cliffs of Moher." While staring into the face of death and disease, the cliffs provide us with a glimpse of beauty that is rare to find in this lonely land of darkness. We remain patient for hours until accepting the undeniable truth: our team has not survived the land's torments and has surely died at sea. We must find other means of escape.

            After a disappointing attempt at liberation, we return to the vessel and continue on our path while we still possess the light of day. We take a short break at the Burren whose unique landscape provides an opportunity to gauge the land and sea to spot potential rescuers, but unfortunately, our efforts come to no avail. We press forward and eventually come to a land unfamiliar to our party, the land of Galway which may be the key to our freedom. We split up into separate and elite search parties and scour the lands for assistance, until accepting defeat and moving on down the road. But what luck! While traveling the unknown lands of Galway we have found a rebel saloon, "The Galway Plate," where we are able to fortify ourselves and replenish our nutrients after a long day of striving for hope. Bellies full and minds redetermined, we accept that safety shall not find us today, and we crawl our way back into the belly of the beast.




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